XTRAC Laser for Psoriasis Treatment

The New Psoriasis Light Treatment

A brand new revolutionary treatment for psoriasis that has proven to have astounding results, XTRAC is a light treatment that can help psoriasis sufferers lead happier and more confident lives. You don’t have to be embarrassed by your chronic skin condition and you certainly don’t have to live with the pain and discomfort that psoriasis can bring. XTRAC offers a painless and innovative way to manage the symptoms of psoriasis.

How Light Therapy Works

Using a highly targeted, therapeutic beam of UVB light, XTRAC targets those areas where the skin is affected. Leaving the healthy skin untouched, it miraculously helps clear the scaly and red skin associated with chronic psoriasis. We are thrilled that we can now offer XTRAC to our patients and ultimately help them feel so much better about their skin!

Side Effects and What to Expect During XTRAC Laser Treatment

Completely pain free, XTRAC uses only beams of UVB light. It is non-invasive and has proven to work on even the more stubborn strains of psoriasis. Sessions are short and there is absolutely no downtime following your procedure. Covered by most insurance plans, XTRAC is one of the longest lasting psoriasis treatment options available today. You can expect to go for months symptom free! Great for treating scalp psoriasis, XTRAC can also be used for vitiligo. We highly recommend you consult with one of our experienced dermatologists to see if XTRAC can work for you. It’s time to feel more confident with healthier and rejuvenated skin!